Please note the following regarding the Canvas Padlet Assignment:
- There is no mechanism for students to click a Submit button when they’ve completed the assignment.
- There is no means to associate a rubric.
- Although a grading column will automatically be created for the assignment, teachers will need to manually enter the grades.
If you are wanting to receive indication of student submittal and/or the ability to associate a rubric, here are some alternatives:
- OPTION 1: Do not utilize this integrated Canvas Padlet Assignment feature and instead create a regular Canvas assignment with a link to your Padlet activity. With this method, you will need to instruct students to include their name with their posts and comments as these will show as anonymous. Click here for detailed instruction.
- OPTION 2: Create a separate assignment that instructs students to indicate completion. Click here for detailed instruction.
Please refer to the article, Best Practices When Setting Up Your Padlet Activity, for details.
Create the Padlet Assignment in Canvas
- Navigate to your module > click on “+” to add your assignment.
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- Click Create Assignment > then add in your assignment name > click Add Item
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- Click on the name of the assignment
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- On the assignment page, click Edit
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- Scroll down to Submission Type > choose External Tool > click Find
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- You will be asked to select a padlet you have created, open your dashboard, or make a padlet.
- See the “Select an Existing Padlet” OR “Make a New Padlet” for the next set of instructions.
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Select an Existing Padlet
- To select an existing Padlet, please click on the desired Padlet from your list.
- Note: If you’d like students to create their own Padlet to share with just you, the teacher, toggle the Create a copy for each user to “on” before selecting the padlet. The student will only be able to see and write in their own Padlet wall.
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To edit the settings of your selected Padlet, see Edit Padlet: Modify Settings
Best practices for settings would include the following:- Set desired permissions for Comments
- Advanced > Posts > Author and timestamp set to Show
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In the Share settings:- Visitor permissions set to "Writer"
- Link Privacy set to "Secret"
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Make a New Padlet
- To make a new padlet, select your template
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From the Modify screen, edit information and settings as desired
- Title
- Description
- Wallpaper
- Solid Colors
- Gradients
- Textures and Patterns
- Pictures
- Add your own wallpaper
- Color Scheme
- Font
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- Attribution which enables student submissions to automatically associate their name with their post
- Whether you would like new posts to appear in first or last position
- Toggle Comments to “on” so students can comment on your padlet
- Reactionsto posts
- Like posts
- Vote - thumbs up or thumbs down
- Star - Give posts 1-5 stars
- Grade - Give posts a numeric score
- Require approval of comments before posting. Toggling this on would mean posts will not show until you approve it so frequent monitoring is necessary.
- Toggle the filter profanity to “on/off” to replace bad words with emojis.
- Toggle the remakes to “on/off” if you would like to allow students to remake/copy your padlet.
- Click Next to save these settings
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- Navigate back to your Canvas tab. You will see a prompt that new padlets will not be shown. Click okay so that your newly created padlet will appear in the list.
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- Select your newly created padlet from the list so that you can add it to this assignment.
- Note: If you’d like students to create their own Padlet to share with just you, the teacher, toggle the Create a copy for each user to “on” before selecting the newly created padlet. The student will only be able to see and write in their own Padlet wall.
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Complete Configuration of Padlet Assignment in Canvas
- Whether you’ve selected an existing padlet or created a new one, now that you’ve selected the desired padlet for this assignment, you will be directed back to the Configure External Tool pop up > Padlet Backpack should be highlighted > click Select
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Enter appropriate fields including - Instructions to complete this assignment
- Points possible
- Due date
- Click Save to save as a draft or Save & Publish to make the assignment available to students.
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